Hello there do you have a plan?
you said what plan for what?
I say for anything you want!
Do you know where you want to be in 2010? Do you know what you want to do?
It is simple to create a Goal Plan, I do mine in a spreadsheet. I list what I want to do, for who I am doing it for and when I want to have it completed. Some people tell me that this is to much for them, they don't want to put a date to the thing that they want to accomplish. Well this is not a static document, it is a living one, it can and will change. As you move toward a goal, you might need to change a date, or change the whole goal and that is OK. The key is that we have an idea of where we want to go.
I have read that if yo don't know where you are going that you are going nowhere, and if you have a plan then you know where, how, and why you are doing what you are doing.
So for 2010 I will not be doing the standard new year resolutions, I will be creating a goal sheet and use that as a road map for helping me to reach my dreams. I will then break them down into Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4 and then print it and keep it with me in my office, car and home.
If you would like help creating a goal plan for 2010 email me at charlesdavis23@gmail.com and i will help you with your plan.
May 2010 be a great year for you and may you reach your dreams, and help others to reach theirs.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!!!