Friday, July 31, 2009

My favorite poem

This Is My Favorite Poem!!!!!

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are younot to be?

You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

My thoughts:

This poem reminds me that it is up to us to determine our light, we are a blessed child of God, and we all have the same ability. The fear that we place on ourselves is what limits us. So remember this poem next time you doubt yourself, or are having a moment of self pity. As we all have the ability to Liberate ourselves from the chains of fear.

May you have a blessed night and may the sunlight of tomorrow give you strength and energy to have a great day!

Buy the Book

Marianne Williamson, A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles This inspiring quote by Marianne Williamson is from her book, A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles, Harper Collins, 1992. From Chapter 7, Section 3 (Pg. 190-191).

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Control your Thought and Control your World

It has been said to me that your thought are things. Everything that has ever been in all of human existence, has started with a thought. The Wheel, Car, Fire, House, Food, you name it, it started in someone minds as a thought!

Simple enough, well then why do we think negative? You can actually think yourself into or out of anything. think I am wrong? review the last few days, can you remember a time when you thought of someone and all of a sudden they either called you or you ran into them.

I have done this, I practice this. If there is something I really want, and I really think on it, it will show itself to me. I did this just this week with a person I wanted to talk to that I had not seen or talked to in over a year, I thought about them and how great it would be to hear from them, 2 days later I ran into them.

This always works on the negative, so remember whenever we fear something, and we think on it, we are giving it life, and you really need to stop and ask yourself is this really what I want? Is this the way I want my Life to go? Is the the way I dream of (whatever), Always try and focus on the positive, this will help lift you to a higher peace in life.

it is said that whatever the mind believes and conceives, it can achieve.

We draw to us what we think of, whatever it is, something great, like a friend you wish to talk to, or a new job, this always is to for our fears, so we must control our thoughts.

So stay positive, think in the moment with at positive and clear mind, believe in your heart that this is what you need and Pray and Believe and it will materialize itself to you.

So Believe & Succeed

May Gods Peace be with you!!!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Love is a Verb, the feeling we get is a fruit of Love.

How do you show Love?

Showing Love is done by Serving, Listing, Appreciating, Caring, Empathizing, Sharning, All of these things are some of the ways to show Love.
( I read this somewhere, I am sorry I dont where)

So How do you know when you are in Love?
(this is my thoughts)

When you are with a person and everything that matters at that moment is gone and all you can do is think about the person you are with.

When you kiss the Love of your life, and all time stands still, when you get lost in that moment and everthing around you stops and your mind goes blank and the only thing you can feel is the other person heart beating in harmony with yours. You will feel free at that moment and a feeling of unbeliveable happiness fills your heart.

This is when you know that you are with your soul mate, this is when you are lucky enough to have felt true Love.

I hope you get to feel true Love in your life, if and when you do, charsh it, guard it, protect it is a gift that has the highest value of anything this earth has to offer us.

Remember, if there is a person in your life that you do Love, tell them! do not assume they know, let them know you appreciate them, and just how special they are to you. You never know if the last time you say good bye to go to work or out somewhere will be the last time you get to see them, so tell them you care and what they mean to you!

May you have a Life filled with LOVE and HAPPINESS, may your days be filled with great joy and your nights be spent in the arms of your true Love.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Why Can't I Get Ahead?

Simple questions, one that is on a lot of peoples minds today. Well the answer to this simple question can be answered by the person you see every morning in the mirror, you!

This is a straight as I can make it, you are the reason why you can't get ahead, not your parents, the place you live, the people you know, the lack of education you have. No none of these things are the reason, the reason is you. Your thinking, your choices that is the reason you are where you are at today. Wait, don't get mad, it can be fixed. And I hope my words will help you to do that.

I have heard it said that if you dont like where you are in life today then change, what you think, what you read, what you listen to, the people you hang around with, and you will change your world.

So the first thing you have to do is, Change the way you think, (Read The power of positive thinking, Dr. N.V. Peale) this is a great book that helped me change my thinking and got me on a more positive path.

You have to change your habit, did you ask yourself this question on Why can't I get ahead because of a money issue? If so, here is the key to getting ahead, SAVING MONEY! You are thinking OK, easy said, but you need to think for a moment and look at how much money you have coming in and what is going out?

Start with a saving envelope, start with as little as 5 dollars a week, that is less than a dollar a day, that will give you 5X52 = $260.00 which is a start. I would recommend reading (Dave Ramsey Total Money Makeover ( This book has helped me and I believe it can help anyone who has an open mind and willness to change.

Next, Stop buying on credit, stop buying liabilities (things that dont make you money), Pay off your debts, get on a budget and start the savings we just talked about.

Doing these things along with reading the books I have said today will help you, Dave has a great way to start a budget in his book. Also look for a Finanicial Peace Univ. class at a local church, this is a great class on managing money and getting out of debt (Also from Dave Ramsey).

So if you want to get ahead, start by believing in yourself, stop the negative thoughts and focus on the positive, good things. It is written that what we focus on is what we attract to us, so focus on the positive, focus on getting out of debt and living a fun and happy life. With that and a solid habit of savings there will come a day when you will be able to live like no one else.

Remember success and fortune do not come overnight, but by the stong dedication to working, saving and living a good life!

May your days be blessed with Positive Thoughts, and may your nights be filled with Peaceful Dreams!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Whatever you aim at you will get


today I have learned a important lesson that I want to share, and that is that whatever you aim for in life you will hit it. No target, No bullseye!

So what does this mean? Simply put, if you have no goals, if you do not challenge yourself and leave behind the fear of failure to live life and go after your dreams then, you will always be looking for a quick win, looking at someone who has what you want and wondering why not me, you will never hit the Bullseye.

It is very simple to achieve anything,

First you must want it. You must Desire the success, Desire is the base for all success, it must be a Burning Desire, you must want to succeed.

Second, you must have a plan for what you desire, no plan = no success. If you dont know what it is that you want, how then can you get it?

3rd step that will bring the first two together and give you success in your goals. Work Daily at your goals, with a passion for success and a understanding that no one who has ever had lasting success has gotten there success on the quick. You must work at whatever it is you want to acheive. Wheather it be a new job, a business, to learn to dance, to play the piano, whatever your dreams are you can have them, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF and AIM HIGH.

You must work at your goals with a presentance and vision. The Goals and Dreams you have for success are obtainable to you, if anyone else has ever succeeded then why can you?

the answer is => YES YOU CAN!!!!!!

So Always Believe in yourself, no matter what anyone thinks of you. Never let another persons belief about you determine the person who you want to be!

May Gods Peace be with you!

First Blog

Hello all, today is the begging of the csdavis blog!! I will try and post a positive message daily that I hope will uplift and help you along your journey in life. Please ask me questions, I will do my best to answer them.